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Bazaar Radeem
[ Скачать с сервера (53.3 Kb) ] 04.08.2012, 07:39
Radeem's Bazaar - created by Trailstorm-Radeem

Add BazaarRadeem.dsres to your resource folder
Add th correct .dsmap to your maps folder - check the version
of your game to be sure you use the right map!

Welcome to Radeem's Bazaar!!

The Bazaar_Radeem mod is really a mod AND a map.  The mod part is
designed to introduce how the map can be used.

This little map (17K ONLY!!!) allows a mod-maker to distribute his
or her custom items by using this entire map INSTEAD of a blacksmith
or shopkeeper. Sounds silly huh? - But the map can be played by all
and it is small enough to include in any item mod.

Here are some specifics:
1)There is a  shopkeeper (named Radeem of course!) I don't think he would 
mind if you added to his inventory!!

2) The pedestals surrounding the map hold 8 items. 7 are just fury eyes
to act as place holders.  The other is...... Radeem's Shell! To edit
the items look for the contentdb template - inventory (use tankviewer
to extract the map and find the correct path)- substitute your custom
template for a fury  - just like I did with Radeem's Shell! (see below 
for step by step)

3) The mod part of the map includes custom voices!!! custom moods!!!
and a custom item .... Radeem's Shell. (of course :P)

4) Anyone can use this map for the purposes of custom item distribution
 (just give credit where credit is due!) Be sure you rename the map file,
the map template name and the map screen name (the last two are from the 
main.gas of the map - and you gotta edit it for the map and then re-tank)

5) The two versions of the map are for DS1.09 beta and DS1.0

Changing the Free Items on the ground:
a) open the map with tank viewer and extract to an empty extraction
folder. Look for :

b) open inventory.gas in notepad (or similar) and you will see the 7
fury eyes and the Radeem's Shell - look like this:
 p position = -0.0660281,0.1,0.0471296,0x145eacb4;

c) substitute your template name for one of these where it says:
[t:fury_eye,n:0x00100011] - it should read:
[t:whatever_you_named_your template,n:0x00100011]

d) before using tank creator I would make your new version of the
map unique by changing three things:

-the main map name (just click on it to rename it - it currently is:

-the screen name (look at the top of world\maps\radeem_bazaar\main.gas)
change screen name from screen_name = "Radeem's Bazaar";
to screen_name = "Whatever you want";

-the dsmap file name (just rename it when you do step 'e' (it currently
is RadeemBazaar - if you don't chage it it will replace
the original .dsmap)

e) Use tank creator to tank the whole extraxtion folder! - play away!
(be sure the filename is .dsmap not .dsres)

I play on the beta version of DS so I has no way of confirming that
the 1.0 version I included works.  I followed steps knownn to work
and steps I used before the DSbeta to import my SE maps into the game
 - it should work - if not drop me a message through the forums
 and I'll get someone to help fix it up!

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