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Параметры запуска игры (DS1)
На днях наткнулся в интернете на одну замечательную табличку - список команд, для командной строки в ДС. Масло маслянное, но щас объясню зачем все это надо.
К примеру надо запустить больше 3-х окон игры (от 4 до 8, по макс. количеству участников в игре)? При этом пресловутая прога Sandibox не поможет, разве вы не решите потратить наличность и не купить её. Ну или в окне игру запустить. Еще круче - указать специальную директорию с сохранениями или модами. Выглядит не так просто, не так ли? Отнюдь. Внимательно читаем табличку, дописываем нужную команду с нужными атрибутами в ярлыке на раб. столе и наслаждаемся))
Перепишу на великий и могучий в ближайшие дни

Parameters for game startup
nosound=trueTurns off all sounds including music.
nointro=trueDisables the Microsoft and GPG logo movies.
fullscreen=falseForces the application to run in windowed mode.
height=yForces the game to run at y resolution height
width=xForces the game to run at x resolution width
bpp=nForces the game to run in specific color depth. 16 and 32 are the parameters.
verifydata=trueInstruct game to verify the integrity of its executable and resource data when it starts up.
vsync=falseDisable video vsync if it is supported. Increase FPS.
bltonly=trueForces blt mode instead of flip (to work around nVidia blinking problem with older drivers)
aa_screenshots=trueUses anti-aliasing when rendering a screen shot. (may crash system with older drivers).
nospacecheck=trueSkips the free disk spaces and available memory checks on startup.
simplerender=trueForces simple rendering mode. This disables multitexturing and is necessary to eliminate rendering problems for some video card/driver combinations.
asynccursor=falseDisables the asynchronous cursor. This will increase FPS, but will slow down mouse response time.
turtle=trueEnables auto-disconnect from a multiplayer session when a machine times out.
multi=trueAllows run multiple copies of DS on the same PC

Records FPS information and outputs it to theMy Documents/Dungeon Siege/Logs/Fps.log.

maxfps=nForces game to run at a maximum FPS of n
noalttab=trueprevents task switching during gameplay
nowinkeys=truedisables the Windows keys
path="path"specifies the path where game should looks for additional resources. (see detail)
path=!pathspecifies exclusive location for resources.

Commands details

Very usefull setting. Speed up game start up, because you won't have to watch intro.
Force game to run in windowed mode. Good for FPS boost, or with settingmulti=true.
height, width
Forces game run at specific width and height. In game you can set only 640x480,800x600 a 1024x768 resolutions. On new LCD monitors you must run game in window, or you can set custom native resolution fo you monitors.
Instruct game to verify the integrity of its executable and resource data when it starts up. This will take time to run and will show a dialog box after verification of each file. If the test indicates that a file is corrupted, try reinstalling the game.
Note: Turn this option off after using it!
Disables video vsync if its supported, which can increase FPS. When vsync its disabled, it can show up one or more horizontal lines over monitor.
Use antialiasing when render a screen-shot. For better results use combinationShift + PrintScreen. Screen-shot will be without user interface.
Skips the free disk space and available memory check on startup.
Enable run multiple instance of game on one PC. Good for higger difficulty game. Its recommended to have at least 2GB+ RAM and min. dualcore CPU
Set maximal FPS at which game run. Reduce unnecesary load. For game its minimal FPS = 25 and ideal FPS = 60.
noalttab=true, nowinkeys=true
Prevents task switching during gameplay and disable Windows keys.
Specify location for aditional resources.

Parameters list
path default
user_path My Documents/Dungeon Siege/
keys_path My Documents/Dungeon Siege/Keys/
save_path My Documents/Dungeon Siege/Save/
shots_path My Documents/Dungeon Siege/Screen Shots/
map_paths Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege/Maps/
res_paths Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege/Resources/
mod_paths My Documents/Dungeon Siege/Mods/
dsdll_path Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege/
bits My Documents/Dungeon Siege/Bits/

Категория: Секреты | Добавил: Str1ke (01.05.2011)
Просмотров: 5847 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 3
1 -DagiroN-  
у миня ниодна команда не работает angry

2 -DagiroN-  
гиги biggrin ели у кого не работают ети оманды, то ето просто не надо пробелов пнрнд и послн "="

3 Futak  
Я так и не понял, при помощи какой команды можно 8 окон игры запустить?

Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи.
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